Where will your grandkids be 60 years from now?

It is not often I blog off topic, so I hope that you can appreciate how important this is, and spare a few minutes to save your own future, your children's and grandchildren's futures and home planet. Would you just stand around and watch as your home burned down with your children and pets inside? No? So please don't stand around and watch while we destroy our home planet.

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"Community Plumbing", Toilet humour and a hilarious video

Is there something wrong with your brand when it reminds people of toilet humour? The best two minutes of entertainment I've had in months:

"Drupal For Education And E-Learning" Book Review

Drupal for Education and E-learningis a must-have for any teacher, school or education institution considering a new school website, or technology-centric project in the classroom. Whether the reader has heard of Drupal or not, the book provides valuable insights, empowering ideas and simple instructions to help get any teacher or school on their way to having a powerful, useful and valuable learning resource. read more

"Unfortunately, contacts has stopped" on Samsung Galaxy S3

I have not been able to use the dialer/keypad or log/history in the Phone app on my Samsang Galaxy S3 since an Android upgrade about four months ago. Whenever I opened them I would get the message "Unfortunately, contacts has stopped". And in order to dial numbers I would have to save them as a contact first. It is a bug in Android that causes certain configurations to have no valid date format, which in turn causes Contacts app to crash this bug.

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2008 Prediction; (Drupal : websites) == (Linux : webhosts)

I have just one simple prediction for Drupal in 2008; Drupal becomes to websites and the website-producing industry, what Linux is to webservers and the web-hosting industry. Realistically this will probably take well into 2009 for this to be effective to the extent that linux, but the foundations for this are already laid and I believe that with the current momentum, it's just time before my prediction becomes true.

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A New Way to Migrate WordPress Content Into Drupal

The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) is an organization that seeks out and tests innovations in journalism to find the best solutions for use in the real world. Their new Palantir-developed Drupal website replaces a custom PHP website and two WordPress.com blogs. Part of our assignment involved migrating content from RJI's WordPress blogs into Drupal. Initially, we intended to do this using the WordPress Import module. However WordPress Import is a stand-alone module that does not integrate with CCK fields, meaning that you cannot import WordPress post categories or authors as CCK text or node-reference fields.

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Accessibility For Humans; Usability Of Websites For Screen Reader Users

A graph from the article showing disabilities reported: Read the full article I recently read a fascinating survey of 1000 blind and visually impaired internet users. It's a long article but is largely graphs and data tables – so is easily consumed. If you want the short version, check out the comments and conclusion. The most surprising parts for me were; Websites that auto-play music (MySpace most notably) are extremely difficult because the sound makes it hard for the user to listen to screen readers.

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ACLU's "Freedom Files" Season 2

Many folk don't know that the ACLU has a TV series called "The Freedom Files". Season 2 can be seen on PBS stations throughout the country. Episodes can also be viewed online at aclu.tv which we re-launched for the new season recently. read more

Aight, done

I just finished moving all my posts from blogspot to drupal 6 beta 3. Whew... Now to see about redirecting users from blogspot to here...

Air New Zealand is Using Linux

Air New Zealand's in-flight entertainment system runs Linux. Unfortunately the layer of software that Air NZ has deployed on top of Linux is buggy and I noticed at least twice in one 3-hour flight that it crashed, causing Linux to reboot. (This is what led me to discover the systems run Linux.) Watching Linux boot on the seat-back console screen was fun. And it was nice to see Tux the Penguin about the airline.

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