Cheap Flights to DrupalAPC via NZ

1 Jan 0001 One-minute read

I don't like to advertise, but this might save someone $1000 USD:

If you've been thinking about coming to New Zealand from the US, now is the time to get tickets. Qantas has specials that have cut flight prices by about 50%.

$900-$1000 USD from West Coast USA to AKL, WTN, CHC or Queenstown.
Around $1300 USD from East Coast to AKL, WTN, CHC or Queenstown.

If you're thinking about going to Drupalcon Sydney in May, it may be cheaper to fly via NZ with those specials. Flights from NZ to Sydney start at around $350 USD. It certainly wouldn't be much more expensive.

Unfortunately they don't have equivalent specials from NZ to the US.

[update] this was mis-titled "Cheap Flights to DrupalAPC via Sydney". Corrected to "Cheap Flights to DrupalAPC via NZ". Thanks lyricnz for the notice