IE6 running on Leopard Mac OS X with IEs4OSX

Gabor blogged about how IEs4OSX saved I was impressed with his review so I tried it out myself. Now I don't have to boot up greedy 'ol parallels everyday just to update my hours in Quickbooks (It even runs activeX controls)! :) I definitely recommend IEs4OSX.

IE8 passes Acid2?

Dean at M$ reckons IE8 passes the ACID2 face 'test'. I'm dubious. The screen shot is convincing, but I'll believe when I've seen it with my own eyes. He also rants a bit, trying to pass off web standards as not-so important. His article was also slashdotted.

IE8 Version Targetting: ALA, Still Undecided

A List Apart's Issue 253 continues discussing and debating the controversial IE version targeting that ALA announced a month ago. CivicActions blogged about this topic then too. Jeremy Keith and Jeffrey Zeldman provide very realistic and down-to-earth points of view and arguments both for and against version targeting. Although they each reach different conclusions, neither tries to persuade the reader one way or the other. Rather they leave you more enlightened so that you can make your own decision.

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Impossible picture on google maps

While psyching myself up for DrupalCon Boston 2008 I was browsing downtown Boston in google maps, I found this weird occurance of an accidental 'impossible picture: View Larger Map See this post on my CivicActions blog for more detail:

Improving Node Forms With Vertical Tabs

Vertical Tabs module by Dmitri Gaskin is a Drupal module-ification of prototype work I did for the usability of Drupal's node forms, and was inspired partly by ideas in the discussion and design process of Views 2 UI – which was all part of my Season of Usability project. read more

Internet Blackout NZ

Over the last week Twitter and Facebook users across New Zealand and the world, have been blacking out their avatars in protest of S92A, a change in New Zealand's copyright law that will require ISPs to disconnect any user accused of copyright infringement. No proof or evidence is required, just accusation. This is a terrible law for many reasons, which are well documented on, and elsewhere. UPDATE: Internet Blackout NZ is thus far successful.

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Interview With Bevan Rudge For Lullabot Drupal Voices

Kent Bye interviewed me (Bevan Rudge) in early September at DrupalCon Paris about Drupal in New Zealand, CivicActions and some recent projects. Yesterday Lullabot released the podcast as Lullabot Drupal Voices 75. Download Audio Import into iTunes or other players Subscribe to feed More options on It was recorded 2.5 months ago and a couple of things are already out of date. Most significantly; DrupalSouth Wellington 2010 is happening Saturday & Sunday 23-24 January I'm in Thailand and returning to New Zealand on 12 December

iPhone Unlocking Service in Christchurch NZ

UPDATE: I no longer offer this service. Original blog post follows... Due to high rank in google search results for queries about unlocked iPhone upgrades to v2 firmware and my recent article about my own experiences. A number of people in Christchurch have contacted me about unlocking their first-generation iPhones that have become locked after upgrading. This is not my trade, and is not something I would consider myself a professional in.

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Is IPv6 finally here?

"On February 4th, IANA will add AAAA records for the IPv6 addresses of the four root servers." Does that mean IPv6 is finally happening? I guess it's time to make sure your web host supports IPv6, or switch to one that does.

It's Not "User Testing"

It's not User Testing! A number of times recently I have heard folk in the Drupal community and elsewhere talk about User Testing. While many people use this term and it is not strictly incorrect it is misleading and also far from correct A better term to use is Usability testing or UI testing. Here's why; read more