Stages of JavaScript grief

This is one of my favourite blog posts of all time. It is no longer published, but I found it on the wayback machine (internet archive). I am reposting it here for your enjoyment. I hope the original author doesn't mind. Originally by By Dan Lee, 9 September 2010. The typical beginning of an Enterprise Developer’s JavaScript education is involuntary in nature. In many cases an engineer with a strong background in Java, or other strongly-typed languages, is informed that their next project requires JavaScript.

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Standards Solution to Microsoft's IE8 Version-Targeting Rubbish

It seems there is a clean standards-solution that doesn't succumb to the X-UA-Compatible mess Microsoft has dumped on us, yet let's you author html in standards mode in IE8: "John Resig points out something that I think a lot of the mainstream chatter around IE8 has missed - if you send it a currently unused DOCTYPE (like HTML 5,) it will not cower in IE7 mode. "John examines this feature of IE8 in this post: http://ejohn.

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Starting at Palantir

Today is a new beginning. Today is my first day at I am now a "Palantiri"! (That's Palantiri-speak for someone who works at ;) is a high-end Drupal consulting & services company based in Chicago, Illinois, USA. has a great team of Drupal developers and contributors, including some friends and past colleagues from CivicActions and NowPublic. And I am excited to be a part of that team!

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Still Wondering What Twitter Is?

Wonder know more. In 2.5 minutes you'll know:

Street View coming to Google maps NZ; Camera-vehicle spotted in Christchurch

UPDATE: Robert Coup on Web 2.0 showed up my google foo; The NZ Herald published this news just over a week ago. UPDATE: I met the driver and got detail shots today UPDATE: The car was spotted in Christhcurch again on 30th of October. Odd. Today I was crossing Mansfield ave in Merivale, Christchurch when Celeste pointed out a 'Google car'. I looked and saw a small black car pulling off the curb with a Google logo on the side.

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Synchronized Mail, Contacts, Calendars Across iPhone, Google,,

I have spent considerable time over the last year or so trying to get my data and systems set up to have email, contacts and calendars available both online and offline on both my main computer, my mobile device and online as a guest user on others computers. All the while keeping my inbox clean from spam and bulk mail, contacts synchronized and access my preferred user-interfaces and applications. I've recently been able to get this pretty close to perfect.

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Tags Vocabularies Without The Pitfalls

Drupal's tagging vocabularies are really useful when webmasters and admins can not anticipate what categories or terms content authors and editors are going to need. The pitfall however, is that it is too easy for content editors to make a mess of the vocabulary by creating duplicate terms that are spelled wrong, similar to or synonymous of existing terms. And a "dirty" vocabulary such as this can be rather difficult to clean up and can be a real problem if content needs to be structured.

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Tags Vocabularies Without The Pitfalls

Drupal's tagging vocabularies are really useful when webmasters and admins can not anticipate what categories or terms content authors and editors are going to need. The pitfall however, is that it is too easy for content editors to make a mess of the vocabulary by creating duplicate terms that are spelled wrong, similar to or synonymous of existing terms. And a "dirty" vocabulary such as this can be rather difficult to clean up and can be a real problem if content needs to be structured.

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Tech Tuesday: Loading GMaps Asynchronously On The Witness Hub

Last week the Witness Hub was updated with new enhancements and features -- most obviously, the Hub Map is now also on the home page! Here is a video demonstration: This feature required asynchronous loading of the Hub Map, including it's full-screen switcher and chunk marker loader code and features, on-load of the 'Map' tab (a Hub-customized version of jQuery tabs).read more

Technical Tuesday: IE8 Version Targetting: ALA, Still Undecided

A List Apart's Issue 253 continues discussing and debating the controversial IE version targeting that ALA announced a month ago. CivicActions blogged about this topic then too. Jeremy Keith and Jeffrey Zeldman provide very realistic and down-to-earth points of view and arguments both for and against version targeting. Although they each reach different conclusions, neither tries to persuade the reader one way or the other. Rather they leave you more enlightened so that you can make your own decision.

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