Air New Zealand is Using Linux

Air New Zealand's in-flight entertainment system runs Linux. Unfortunately the layer of software that Air NZ has deployed on top of Linux is buggy and I noticed at least twice in one 3-hour flight that it crashed, causing Linux to reboot. (This is what led me to discover the systems run Linux.) Watching Linux boot on the seat-back console screen was fun. And it was nice to see Tux the Penguin about the airline.

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Am I a fanboy?

Apparently I'm an Apple Fanboi. Maybe I am. I don't try to be. Actually I try not to be. Maybe I'm a sucker for shiny gadgets. Worse, perhaps I'm a sucker of good marketing. In any case, I'd like apple-fanbois and critics to know that I <metaphor> keep a lifejacket under my seat in case I need to jump ship </metaphor>. By that I mean; I am an open source enthusiast.

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Announcing NZ's first drupal camp: DrupalSouth

Together with some friends and colleagues we have been working hard to organise, finalize and publish details of what will be the two most important days for Drupal in New Zealand: DrupalSouth: The New Zealand Drupal Event for 2008 DrupalSouth is the New Zealand Drupal Event for 2008. DrupalSouth will bring NZ's Drupal community together for the first nation-wide Drupal event and the first ever Drupal camp in NZ.

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Applegasmic -- Hot New iPorn!

I'm having an applegism. Check out this iPorn: See the Ad

Authenticated Users Do Not Inherit Anonymous Role Permissions

Contrary to common belief, Drupal's Authenticated user role does not inherit permissions given to the Anonymous user role. read more

Away December 7 to 17

I'm away in Australia visiting family and attending a wedding from Friday 7 December to Monday 17 December. I will have little (if any) internet connectivity while away. I'm back! Had fun. All family stuff, lot's of driving, some kangaroos and a few beaches.

Backcountry ski touring insurance in Canada

I researched and compared travel insurances that include cover for backcountry ski touring for 28 days in Canada for a NZ-resident couple in their thirties. Most travel insurers exclude skiing outside of the ski area, or off-piste. These are the options I found. Most also offer annual options which are comparable to 4-week single trips. DISCLAIMER: I am not qualified to give financial advice. Tugo, via Alpine Club of Canada UPDATE For a small claim, Tugo Insurance took 9 months of processing and achieved nothing.

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Best LOLcat

Best Photos From DrupalCon Paris 2009

If you don't want to browse the 2500+ photos from DrupalCon Paris on Flickr, but still want to see some photos, try these sets for the highlights instead; Bevan's Favorites on Flickr (215 in set) – a selection of highlights from all DrupalCon Paris photos. Elv's DrupalCon Paris 20009 photo set (179 set) Jeff Eaton's photos tagged "DrupalCon" (26 in set) Petro Lozano's Drupal Paris 2009 photo set (94 in set) Bevan's DrupalCon Paris 2009 set (138 in set) Namo's DrupalCon Paris 2009 photo set (85 in set) read more

Bring it ON, DrupalcON; People I want to meet

[Update: this had the wrong tag to get on Planet Drupal] I'm really looking forward to DrupalCon Boston 2008. The highlight for me will likely be meeting a bunch of really great people I have come to know, respect and be inspired by; Everyone at CivicActions; My awesome colleagues and team-mates for the last 6 months. Dries Buytaert; For obvious reasons. Karoly Chx Negyesi; It's been great having your support on SoU.

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