Video of Scalable Theming Session from Drupalcon Boston

Drupalcon Boston sessions were all recorded on video and have been made available on, thanks to numerous drupal community members and other Drupal resources. (This is quite out of date now, but better late than never.) Here are the videos from my talk on Scalable Theming: Theming for 100s of node types, CCK fields, and views: read more

Views Filter Blocks In Drupal 6

Screenshot of Views 2 exposed filters in a block. This video demonstrates how to setup Views 2 exposed filters as a block. read more

Vote For DrupalCon Sessions

Unexpectedly, it appears I will probably be able to attend DrupalCon DC 2009. So I have been working frantically to get my session proposals in. Here they are; Advanced Theming Techniques; Getting beginner themers up the Drupal theming learning curve. Paper Prototyping To Fix Usability Bugs; Designing and contributing drupal core usability bug fixes. Google Maps Mashups In <10 minutes; Using Drupal's GMap module to create Google Maps mashups on the fly, and showcase of the Hub Map.

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Vote for Open Source in NZ

Are you heading out to vote this morning? Have you thought about how each of the parties support open source? The Greens's IT policy explicitly states a number of policies about encouraging Open Source in Business, Government and Education. It's hard to beat that! Further; The Greens use Drupal and CiviCRM heavily in both their public-facing and internal systems -- their actions match their words. Go Greens!

Web Accessibility Basics

CivicActions endeavors that our websites be usable. Usable implies accessible, since a user with special needs can not use an inaccessible site. In this article I discuss techniques that every web developer, themer and front-end html coder should have in their toolkit. These are the low-hanging fruit, the simple and inexpensive techniques, that make a big difference for internet users with restricted access, from user with low bandwidth internet connections, to users with poor eyesight.

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Web Accessibility Basics

CivicActions endeavors that our websites be usable. Usable implies accessible, since a user with special needs can not use an inaccessible site. In this article I discuss techniques that every web developer, themer and front-end html coder should have in their toolkit. These are the low-hanging fruit, the simple and inexpensive techniques, that make a big difference for internet users with restricted access, from user with low bandwidth internet connections, to users with poor eyesight.

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Web Apps as Desktop Apps; Prism, Web-Runner &amp;

With applications moving to the web, the desktop web browser is becoming more and more the center of users' attention. Consider for a moment what percentage of time you spend in Firefox or other web browsers compared to other programs or applications that run in your desktop – or use RescueTime (Yet Another Web App) to find out precisely! read more

What Does A "Themer" do? What Is A "Themer"?

Have you ever wondered what a "themer" actually does? How are they different to a designer and a developer? In it's simplest sense a themere takes a flat static image, the design, provided by the designer, and a mostly-functional but ugly site, provided by a developer, and makes the ugly site look pretty like the designer wants it. This timelapse by Matthew Buchanan of the theming of sums up that process:read more

What happened to my blog?

UPDATE Internet Blackout NZ is thus far successful. We successfully delayed changes to Section 92A for 4 weeks! I expect, and we are all hopeful, that this will give the new government time to fully understand their #$@%-up, and dismiss the law change entirely. The original post follows, and here is what looked like during the week of February 16-23: Click for full size It's a blackout! In response to the proposal of the worlds harshest copyright infringement laws, many are protesting with a blackout.

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What Is Google Hiding With Chrome?

Google has announced their web browser Chrome. Many are excited while others remain skeptical. Currently I'm both; but a recent discovery has swayed me towards skeptical. Here's why. read more