Drupal Success; What Would Drupal Do?

Now that I have been a full-time Drupal Developer for a couple of years, and a part-time Drupal developer for a year before that, I am beginning to recognize recurring patterns and problems in Drupal projects and people's experiences with Drupal. This is a report on my experiences, and a summary of learned lessons and recommendations for those entertaining the idea of a financially-driven Drupal project. Executive Summary Don't undertake a Drupal project without, at the very least, someone on the team or available to the team, to check solutions are architected the Drupal way, monitor development for employment of good practices, look for learning opportunities for the less-experienced Drupal developers on the team, and be available in a timely manner to answer the question What would Drupal do?

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Drupal+Melbourne: Lullabots, Mini-drupal-conference, DrupalCon? and more...

I just heard on the lullabot podcast #53 that lullabot is going to Melbourne to run training sessions in April 2008. With the Drupal Mini Conf after Linux Conference Australia, and Lonely Planet launching their drupal development in Melbourne, it seems like Melbourne is shaping up to be the “Drupal Capital” of the Southern hemisphere. Good place for a future DrupalCon?

DrupalCon Asia-Pacific Organizers Invite You to Participate

We are excited to announce the DrupalCon Asia-Pacific Organisers group. DCAPO intends to lay foundations that will facilitate international Drupal Conferences (DrupalCons) in the Asia-Pacific region. DCAPO welcomes and needs input and assistance from Drupal users and communities throughout the Asia-Pacific region. DrupalCons are a lot of work, and are only possible through the community's effort. Please join the DCAPO group to share your opinions and experience, volunteer your time, or nominate yourself or others for roles on the selection team.

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DrupalCon Boston 2008 Confirmed?

UPDATE: DrupalCon Boston 2008 has now been officially announced. Judging by boston2008.drupalcon.org it seems that the planning of DrupalCon Boston March 2008 is well underway. I've even seen emails with dates about session-planning, yet I can't find any news or announcements about it anywhere. What's going on? Is Boston 2008 confirmed? How come there have been no announcements? I have been wondering for a while now when there would be some news about the next DrupalCon.

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DrupalCon Session: Scalable Theming: Theming for 100s of node types, CCK fields, and views

One of my 3 DrupalCon Session Proposals got accepted and was scheduled last week: Scalable Theming: Theming for 100s of node types, CCK fields, and views. Advanced theming tips, tricks and techniques for very large complex websites with many node types, CCK fields and views. This session is targeted at themers & developers wishing to learn how to manage complex theming requirements in a cost-saving, maintainable and scalable way.

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DrupalCon: jQuery for Designers & Themers

jQuery for Designers and Themers is a fun interactive session on getting started with jQuery. It is targeted at designers and themers but is suitable for anyone with a decent understanding of HTML and CSS — no programming experience is necessary. It doesn't include any PHP, and only basic programming concepts are introduced. If you want to see this session at DrupalCon San Francisco you'll need to vote on it here it is at 8:30am on Tuesday 20 April in room 307 (Commerce guys) at DrupalCon SF.

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Drupalgeddon; Are you ready?

Just arrived here? Read my followup first. Original post The Drupal security team announced multiple highly critical updates to Drupal contrib modules in PSA-2016-001. Expect attacks within less than one hour from the announcement; 18 hours from the time this article is published. This is probably going to be Drupalgeddon all over again. My advice If you are prepared, you will save yourself a lot of time. If you are late or too slow, you will probably find yourself with a lot more work, e.

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There are several efforts around to collect links and summaries of drupal sites. This is by far the most comprehensive I've seen so far. Sites are categorized by region and other useful terms; http://www.drupalsites.net/

DrupalSouth returns!

Four years after the last DrupalSouth, and three fantastic Australasian Drupal conferences later, DrupalSouth returns! DrupalSouth Wellington 14-16 February 2014 is setting up to be a great event! With an awesome venue, large capacity and amazing sponsors, things are well on track. I co-organised the previous two DrupalSouth's in Christchurch 2008 and Wellington 2010. Josh Waihi is leading the charge for this great event. I am chair for the front end track.

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DrupalSouth Wellington A Success

DrupalSouth Wellington 2010 was a booming success! And that would be an understatement. 100 Drupallers from NZ, Australia, North America and Europe came together for 2 Wellington-wet days in a brewery and couldn't stop talking about Drupal! Here is DrupalSouth by the numbers; 1: Code sprints 2: Tracks (simultaneous sessions) 2: Duration in days 2: Lunches provided 2: Organisers 2: Attendees from parliament (Green party) 3: Keynote speakers from North America (Liz Henry, Emma Jane Hogbin & Angela Byron) 3: Platinum Sponsors 3: DrupliBeanBags 4: Attendees from the IRD 5: Gold sponsors 5: Percent of attendees from Hawkes bay 5: Months to organise 6: Companies involved in the wireless internet 6: Wireless access points 7: Value of each bar token in NZ dollars 8: Silver Sponsors 9: Varieties of beer brewed on-site 10: Start time on Saturday 11: Thousands of dollars turned over in event production 15: Attendees from NZ government agencies (IRD, Greens, NZ Police, various ministries, etc.

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