How to be a climate voter in the NZ general elections

In the face of climate change, nothing else is of much significance. NZ 2014 general elections are an opportune time to start reversing humanity's destruction of this planet we call home. But understanding how to be a "climate voter" can be a challenge. Is it really as simple as voting for the Green party? Lets take a look. To evaluate which party is most aligned with your own beliefs and priorities, nothing beats reading party policies.

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How to get the most value out of your programmer

This article about the psychology of programmers hits the nail on the head. Finding it difficult and even impossible to get 'into the flow', was one of the sources of frustration in my recent employment that lead me to resigning. Now I work virtually for CivicActions and I can create my own space and time to get in the flow and do the fun interesting (and billable) work. I have experimented working at Effusion's offices, an open-source-centric co-working-like environment in Christchurch over the last 4 weeks.

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How To Rebuild The Menu In Drupal 6

To rebuild the menu in Drupal 6 you have to go to admin/build/modules. In drupal 5 the menu is cached in the cache_menu table, so it is easy to invoke a menu-rebuild by emptying the table with a simple mysql command like TRUNCATE cache_menu;. (I have a handy script that empties all tables starting with cache_). read more

How to turn into Free Software supporters people who couldn't care less

The attachment is a mirror of a great article that is inaccessible and is being slashdotted.

How Was DrupalSouth's Internet so Awesome!?

DrupalSouth — a 100-person technical conference — had awesome internet. This is how we did it. DrupalSouth might well be the first Drupal conference with internet that didn't suck. For the first time, I didn't hear anyone complain about connectivity or speed. Everyone had internet access! If I didn't hear about any issues you were having, or if you had any complaints or problems, please let us know in the comments.

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Humour: Flying and Microsoft

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window.

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I am seeking Drupal development contract work

Contributing to Drupal at DrupalCon Boston March 2008. Photo by Steve Krueger. I am currently available for Drupal development contract work. I am interested in contracts or projects of any width, height or length. I am especially interested in projects that (roughly in order); are socially conscious have other talented and experienced Drupal developers to work and grow with compensate at reasonable-to-good rates I am only available to work virtually, since I am based in Thailand (UTC+7) till Christmas, then Wellington, New Zealand (UTC+13) till about late January, then probably Christchurch, NZ after that.

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I am seeking opportunites

I am seeking career opportunities. My ideal client/employer would; have a mission related to creating fantastic software or a service. have me work primarily with; Javascript a framework, language or technology that is new to me. value it's team over everything else. contribute to open source. be a not for profit. be making a difference. be in Auckland so I can sit next to my colleagues.

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I wanna go back to school

Google will pay high school kids aged 13 to 18 up to $500 for their participation in GHOP. The first round is a bit of a trial and has only ten projects involved, and Drupal is one of them! The others are; Apache Software Foundation GNOME Joomla! MoinMoin Mono Moodle Plone Python SilverStripe It is both impressive and interesting how many of them are web-content tools (CMS, web-application frameworks, wikis etc).

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IE6 DeathMarch

IE6 Death March has led the way in the movement to stop support for IE6. Help your web developers help you to save money, conserve their sanity, build better websites and make the internet a better place. With so many other great browsers available, IE6 is just not worth the effort anymore. If you think you really need to support IE6, I have two things to say to you;

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